Open Recruitment!!!

This is one of some event that we've done, in order to show our concern for the people living below the poverty line.

2013 NPEDC will be NPEO

NPEDC is an abbreviation of National Polytechnics English Debating Competition. But next year, in 2013 the number of contest in this event will be increase. Not only debate competition, there will be another competition, "Speech Competition"

National Polytechnic Speech Competition (NPSC)

The NPSC is not debating, elocution or acting. The competition is concerned with the competitor's effective use of language to convey a message or a point of view to an interested audience.

NPEDC Rule 1: General Regulations

Dates of Tournament, Registrations Regulations and Format

NPEDC Rule 2 Participant Qualification

Polytechnic may qualify a team of three to four student-debaters for participating in the tournament.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Open Recruitment for Poliban English Community 2013

Open recruitment for Poliban English Community 2013

It's easy, just click here to go to registration page. Fill the form, than once you complete fill the registration field click submit.

You've done your registration step and just wait for our information

note: we'll send information to your phone number

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Hasil Debate Competition (NPEO 2013)

Diluar dugaan tim debat Poliban yang diturunkan di NPEO 2013 berhasil meraih hasil maksimal bahkan melebihi target yang diharapkan yaitu menyamai hasil pada NPEDC 2012 dimana Poliban berhasil lolos ke Octo-Final (16 besar). NPEO 2013 tim debat Poliban berhasil mencapai babak semi-final dan meraih posisi ke-4. Dan juga berhasil menempatkan salah satu wakilnya sebagai best speaker ke-4.

1st speaker : Arif
2nd speaker : Royyan
3rd speaker : Leri
Reply : Arif

Muhammad Arif & Lerizya Widaretnani masing-masing dari jurusan Elektro prodi Teknik Informatika, serta Royyan Zein dari jurusan Sipil prodi Teknik Pertambangan menjadi wakil Poliban sebagai tim debat di NPEO 2013.

Dua kali kalah dan dua kali menang di preliminary round Poliban lolos ke Octo-final dari posisi 16. Kemudian bertemu dengan Poltek Ujung Pandang yang lolos dari posisi 1 setelah berhasil menang di 4 kali perliminary round. Menang lawan Ujung Pandang, bertemu Pontianak dan kembali menang sebelum di Semi-final dikalahkan Poltek Semarang yang menjadi juara di NPEO 2013

Hasil di NPEO 2013 :

Prelim 1 :
  • Poliban (+) vs Poltek Manado (-)
  • Motion : THW ban reality shows that glorify eating habit.
  • Hasil : Kalah
Prelim 2 :
  • Poliban (-) vs PENS (+)
  • Motion : THBT important decision about children's healt should be made by medical professionals and not by their parents
  • Hasil : Menang
Prelim 3 :
  • Poliban (+) vs Poltek Balikpapan (-)
  • Motion : THW Support sex education at elementary school
  • Hasil : Menang
Prelim 4 :
  • Poliban (+) vs Poltek Malang (-)
  • Motion : THW impose double tax to the consumers of cigarettes
  • Hasil : Kalah
Octo-final :
  • Poliban (+) vs Poltek Ujung Pandang (-)
  • Motion : THW make clubs liable for the indecencies of their fans
  • Hasil : Menang
Quarter-final :
  • Poliban (-) vs Poltek Pontianak (+)
  • Motion : THW forcibly displace tribes from forests that are home to endangered species
  • Hasil : Menang
Semi-final :
  • Poliban (+) vs Poltek Semarang (-)
  • Motion : THWsupports genetically engineered babies
  • Hasil : Kalah

Hasil Speech Competition (NPEO 2013)

Speech menjadi cabang baru dalam lomba tahunan NPEO yang dimulai tahun 2013 ini. Tidak hanya baru bagi event lomba tahunan antar Politeknik se-Indonesia tapi juga merupakan cabang yang baru bagi Poliban bahkan bisa dikatakan asing karena selama ini hanya melakukan latihan debat.

Dalam ajang NPEO pertama sendiri total 42 orang pseserta dari 39 Politeknik mengikut lomba Speech. Dan Poliban yang diwakili Dian, mahasiswi jurusan Teknik Elektro prodi Teknik Informatika finish di posisi 35 dengan perolehan total nilai 199.67 hasil dari 3 kali perliminary round.


Banjarmasin, November 16th 1993


Information Engineering

Hasil di NPEO 2013:
Prelim 1 : 70.00
Prelim 2 : 67.00
Prelim 3 : 62.67
Total : 199.67
Rank : 35 / 42

NPEO 2013

20-24 mei 2013 lalu agenda tahunan Politeknik se-Indonesia yang berlabel NPEO (National Polytechnic English Olympics) pertama sukses dilaksanakan di Politeknik Negeri Perkapalan Surabaya (PPNS). Lomba tahunan yang sebelumnya hanya mempertandingkan cabang Debat namun pada 2013 dikembangkan sehingga memunculkan tiga cabang tambahan yaitu Speech, Newscasting dan Storytelling. Dengan total peserta 39 Politeknik dari seluruh Indonesia.

Foto bersama tim Poliban di PPNS

Poliban sendiri menurunkan wakilnya untuk bertanding di tiga cabang lomba yaitu Debate, Speech dan Newscasting. Total 9 orang perwakilan berangkat dari Banjarmasin ke Surabaya dengan 5 orang mahasiswa dan 4 orang dosen pembimbing.

Daftar nama wakil Poliban:

Nama                   :  Ridzki Dian Novitasari
Jurusan / Prodi   :  Elektro / Teknik Informatika

Nama                   :  Aneta Rakhmawati
Jurusan / Prodi   :  Akuntansi / Administrasi Lembaga Keuangan Syariah

Nama                   :  Muhammad Arif
Jurusan / Prodi   :  Elektro / Teknik Informatika
Nama                   :  Royyan Zein
Jurusan / Prodi   :  Sipil / Teknik Pertambangan

Nama                   :  Lerizya Widaretnani
Jurusan / Prodi   :  Elektro / Teknik Informatika

Untuk hasil lomba akan ditulis pada artikel selanjutnya

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

THBT Indonesia should help palestine to fight against Israel

Reported by : Dian

Australasia Parliamentary System
Affirmative : Anetta, Akbar, Dian
Negative : Arif, Alfi, Leri
no Reply

As we know that Gaza under fire, many people have died, many people injuries. Israel destroyed houses, mosques, etc. America the strongest nation in this world still support Israel. He blame Palestine. In fact Israel had done the wrong thing. The roots of the conflict between Israel and Palestine because of a Balfour declaration on nov 2nd 1917, conflict happen because Israel think that they have a part of palestine land.

Fight against Israel here means that we should do what we can. Start from a little thing like pray and collect a donation

Points from Affirmative:
  • We should pray for Palestine
  • We should collecting donation to palestine. So they can use the money for medichine food, etc. If the people in palestine had enogh food and medicine, they can fight agains Israel
  • Palestine have a right to live in peace
Points from Negative:
  • Indonesia have no power to help Palestine
  • Indonesia also have a lot of problem to solve before can help another country
  • Indonesia will be in danger if help palestine
  • So many Israel product in Indonesia

Please give your comment and critism for this debate practice result

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Open Recruitment POLICY

Even though our blog (this blog) still under cunstruction, and still on process, we try to make it easy for all the student of Poliban to register online here to join our club.

It's easy, just click here to go to registration page, or you can click on JOIN US above. Fill the form, than once you complete fill the registration field klik submit.

You've done registration step and just wait for our information

note: we'll send information to your phone number

Saturday, September 22, 2012

NPEDC Rule 2: Participant Qualification

Polytechnic may qualify a team of three to four student-debaters for participating in the tournament.

  1. Any student in compliance with the eligibility definitions of Polytechnic is eligible to represent his or her polytechnic.
  2. A team is composed of three to four eligible debaters from a single subscribing institution.
  3. A debater may qualify for and participate in the NPEDC a maximum of three times.
  4. To be an eligible debater for the NPEDC, a student must provide official documents from appropriate polytechnic officials verifiying that he/she is registered as a polytechnic student and delegate of the NPEDC